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1.05.23 - 09/28/2017: Add confManualRestartEnable
1.05.24 - 10/07/2017: Turn OFF + Very Low Temperature NTC
1.05.25 - 10/09/2017: Fix the Set Calibration for the iBox
1.05.26 - 10/10/2017: Add Very Low Temperature NTC Calibration Functions
1.05.27 - 10/10/2017: Start Add GS + Improve Very Low Temperature NTC
1.05.28 - 10/16/2017: Add GS in the automatic Deployment
1.05.29 - 10/18/2017: Fix the colors for High & Low alarms in the Data tab + Add the updates in the About
1.05.30 - 10/24/2017: Add PDF X & Y axis manual ranges + Auto range from graph + Fix DM3 under Windows
1.05.31 - 11/26/2017: Add Automatic Adjustment Calibration for Humidity for z1LcdMu (z1LcdMu_1_26C.hex)
1.05.32 - 11/27/2017: Add TXT Sirius Lite Reference for calibration
1.05.34 - 12/06/2017: Add the Calibration Expriration function for z1Mu
1.05.33 - 11/29/2017: Add TXT Sirius Lite Reference for Temperature & Humidity Calibration
1.05.34 - 12/06/2017: Add TXT Add the Calibration Expriration function for z1Mu
1.05.35 - 01/03/2018: Add Template Tab + Password
1.05.36 - 01/21/2018: Fix the TemplateButton Tab + New LcdMu template
1.05.37 - 01/28/2018: Fix the TemplateButton Tab + New LcdMu template with full batt. level
1.05.38 - 01/30/2018: Adjust Extremly Low Temperature Ranges
1.05.40 - 02/06/2018: Add new template for z1LcdMuE/EL + Fix templateButtons + Add new user guide in help
1.05.41 - 02/08/2018: Remove Humidity Calibration from ini file for Temperature only + Fix Production for z1Su
1.05.42 - 02/12/2018: Add the LED Alarm Status in the Data Tab Report in Multi-link mode

About zLogg

zLogg provides innovative, cutting-edge Dataloggers in the most user-friendly way. Our products are designed to meet the demanding standards and regulations of the healthcare, food and pharmaceutical markets.
Our dedicated team of expert engineers relentlessly seek out the most innovative, reliable and cost-efficient solution to help our customers fulfill their market potential.

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